Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Lost Generation

At lunch with a friend talking stuff and things and she told me of a show she'd watched entilted'The Lost Generation. Apparently I'm a part of this lost demographic of 18-30 year olds, gee thanks label makers. I can't describe my anger at this label, and I'm usually quite articulate about my anger, I'm a very angry little person.

I think studies and 'documentaries'like this exist to keep sociologists and statisticians in jobs. Its a way to keep busy and occupied labelling in one sweep all these people. I hate the loss of individuality in this labelling of a generation. There is no taking into account personality, history , relationships, psychology, likes, dislikes whatever elements make you, as the individual, up. Just because of this stupid scare-tactic definition in the time of recession I am one of the lost......

Shit they're kind of right though I do feel lost. Me and the boy are moving to my hometown but in limbo I am back staying with my parents with not even a job to punctuate time. I do not have the boy with me yet, he is far away job hunting too. I miss him so, so do the hounds.

Bella knew he was not here felt it as accutely as I do, was skittish and afraid in this strange place without her rock and lynchpin to keep her grounded and remind her all is ok. She dug up the garden and bullied the puppy and if dogs had tears I think she would have thrown a tantrum and wailed like I want to. I hope coming here works out. I want a nice life here, the boy, the hounds, a house and a job. I never thought I would want such simple things but oh I want them so much, it doesn't seem like too much to ask for........

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